Saturday, January 9, 2010

An Open Letter to the Membership of SEIU in Massachusetts

I have been a member of the AFL-CIO for over 30 years. I am writing this in the hope that you do not have to suffer my fate. In the special election in Massachusetts to replace Ted Kennedy’s seat in the Senate why in the world is SEIU backing Martha Coakley? Your Leadership is selling you out.

Martha Coakley had a “read my lips” moment: During the campaign she promised not to support the Heath Care Bill, if it contained restriction on abortion then she backed down so not to anger the left-wing base. Now she supports the Heath Care Bill and that in its self would send me running for cover. If our government gets it passed and it becomes Law how long before Washington decides to tax our Heath Care Plans. Have you known of Washington to keep its word on anything? Not No, but Hell NO, somewhere down the road our elected officials will decide to tax us!

Have you read your own Blogs at Andy is going to screw you over big-time. On the SEIU Blog it reads; “On the other hand, a mass deportation would cost the U.S. a whopping $2.6 trillion in lost GDP over 10 years! It would also reduce wages for higher skilled native workers and only provide a slight increase in wages for a small group of less-skilled native-born workers. And the estimated $2.6 trillion loss in GDP doesn't include the more than $200 billion it is estimated to cost to deport 12 million undocumented immigrants.” The study came from UCLA in California and by Professor Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda. First off, they are illegal aliens. Companies hire illegal aliens because they work for a-lot-less than we would. With over fifteen million Americans out of work, do we add to the problem or do you put your Brothers and Sisters back to work.

Your leader Andy Stern has said; “What we’re working towards is building a global organization because workers of the world unite, it’s not just a slogan anymore”. How does Andy intend to put workers of the world on an even playing field? Hold on, I know. American wages have to go down while in other countries the wages go up, then everyone is equal. Is this what you want?

The Media and the People on Capitol Hill that were supposed to look out for the Unions demonized the evil corporate executives. Almost every corporation in America pulled their orders for private jets. When they did, hundreds of thousands of your Brothers and Sisters in the Machinist and UAW Union lost their jobs. Our so-called Leaders in Washington threw us under the bus.

I have been a Proud Union Member for over thirty years and I have never crossed a picket line. I have been on Unemployment for over nine months and when it runs out. I might have to work in a non-union shop and my wages will be cut in half. Whom do I blame? Washington for selling my Union out and if they did it to us what will stop them when your number comes up. Please don’t let Washington turn America into a third world banana republic.

Your Leadership will say I am lying and this is propaganda. It is not propaganda and I am not lying. I write for The New Patriot Journal and if you have any doubts Call District 70 Lodge and ask if I am a member in good standing.

Bill Thresher, Wichita Kansas; Machinists Union Member, District 70, LL 774

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