Friday, January 22, 2010


Washington; pull your head out of the sand, before this great nation becomes a third world banana republic. I have realized that Washington is in a parallel universe where you leave all reason and intelligent thoughts behind. You are not in The Twilight Zone. Our leaders should run the government like a business so let’s go back to school.

BUSINESS 101: Your main concerns should be to turn a profit, encourage growth, make the stockholders happy, and protect the company from corporate raiders and hostile takeovers. Instead our county/company has an unemployment rate of 10%, the national debt is $12 trillion, the taxpayers are not happy and the terrorists are trying to destroy the USA and our way of life.

How do you encourage growth? Quit taxing our companies, they are moving overseas. Cut their taxes, give incentives, and make America the cheapest place in the world to produce their products. When they come back home the 10% unemployment rate will magically disappear. The US has the best workforce in the world. Any leader with business sense knows the bottom line is money; it is why our country has survived and prospered for over 200 years. My parents told me when I was growing up work hard and the sky is the limit, you can do whatever you set your sights on.

How do you make the stockholders happy? Quit spending money and cut taxes. Do not spend more then you make. A joke I always tell people; “I used to make $20,000 a day but then the government took my printing press”. If you keep printing money, the Dollar will not be worth the paper it is printed on. Washington: do we need to take your printing press away from you? Remember who gave you the power you enjoy so much. The voters put you in office and we can vote you out.

How do you protect the company from corporate raiders and hostile takeovers? Let’s take a lesson from history. In the late seventies, no self-respecting Hijacker in His right mind would take an Israeli hostage. Why, because if the Hijacker took an Israeli hostage: they would hunt him down then kill him, his family, and his pets, then burn his village to the ground. The Hijackers learned do not mess with Israel. The price was too high. This brings up the question; as the most powerful nation in the world, do we want to be feared or respected? I say; I want to be feared by my enemies and respected by my allies.

When the terrorist attacked New York on 9/11 we became one nation, one voice, we set aside our differences, and that sleeping giant awoke. We went to war, avenging the 6000, Americans that died that day and to defend our freedoms we cherish. We sent a message to the world; DO NOT MESS WITH THE USA! I have been fortunate in my working life to travel overseas. As Americans, we enjoy more freedoms and have the best standard of living in the world. Washington, do not blow it, we are awake and watching you.

Bill Thresher Wichita, Kansas

The unemployment rate rises, D’oh

January 21, 2010 Fox News reported, “The Labor Department said Thursday that initial claims for unemployment insurance rose by 36,000 to a seasonally adjusted 482,000. Wall Street economists had expected a small drop.” This left economic analyst that predicted the economy had hit bottom with a Homer Simpson moment D’oh.
@November 18, 2008 President Obama said at Global Climate Summit, “My presidency will mark a new chapter in America's leadership on climate change that will strengthen our security and create millions of new jobs in the process.”

On December 14, 2009 on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Christina Romer, “The president has always said, and what I firmly believe, is you’re not recovered until all those people that want to work are back to work”.
@President Obama in a press conference called for tougher regulations on the banks to combat economic collapse. Minutes after his announcement the Wall Street reacted with a 200 point drop in the market.

There are 31 million unemployed in America and being one myself, I can honestly say the economy shows little improvement over last year. None of the companies that I have been in contact with says things are getting better. The most frustrating thing for the unemployed is to watch the news and hear the economic analyst say, the economy is picking up. At least the experts have a comfortable job that aloes them to pull number out of thin air them report them.

My Way News reported, “China shook off the global crisis as growth surged to 10.7 percent in the final quarter of 2009 but inflation picked up, adding to pressure on Beijing to cool rising prices without disrupting the recovery.” Maybe this is where millions of green jobs are going that the Obama promised during the campaign.

The average worker in China makes 200 dollars a month. Washington must wake up. We are losing jobs overseas on a daily bases. The Obama administration must create a corporate friendly environment in our country so companies will thieve thus turning the US economy around. Washington must cut taxes immediately in order to stop the outsourcing of American jobs, if not the US will become a third world banana republic.

Bill Thresher; wondering if China is hiring

Thursday, January 21, 2010

SEIU spends $900,000 on Coakley campaign

The Tea Party has won its first battle. In Massachusetts, Scott Brown beat out Martha Coakley for the U.S. Senate seat held by the late Edward M. Kennedy. Yahoo News reported that Senator Robert Menendez, the head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said, “I have no interest in sugarcoating what happened in Massachusetts. There is a lot of anxiety in the country right now. Americans are understandably impatient.” The Democrats are in disarray and running for cover. One point no one has made is the ineffectiveness of SEIU in affecting the outcome of the race.

On January 12, 2010, Michelle Malkin reported on the “$214,000 [that SEIU] sent her for radio ad buys last fall…. and [SEIU] is preparing to burn through another $685,000 in rank-and-file union members’ dues for the attorney general." That comes to $899,000 that SEIU’s leadership threw out the window.

Washington, do not depend on the union vote. You do not understand the mindset of the union members. The average union member only cares about his or her bottom line. The leadership has little or no influence over its members when it comes to politics. Massachusetts is a ‘Closed Shop State,’ meaning you have to be in the union to work in a union shop. (If you do not join, you do not work, period.) Most of the membership is far more conservative than their left wing leaders. The unions rank-and-file do not vote for the national union leaders. The members vote the district representatives in office. In turn, they vote the national union leaders into power.

The Tea Party has attracted a broad-spectrum of people from every occupation. Americans are truly waking up across our great country. I myself am a thirty-year union member.

The Massachusetts Senate race should be a wakeup call to the union leadership. The union’s revolution is on the horizon. The rank-and-file is beginning to wake up and see the egotistical arrogance of its own leadership. If the unions elitist at the top do not change, they will fall and the unions will become nonexistent America.

Bill Thresher: a union member that has awakened

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Unionizing the unemployed worker in America

A recent letter sent to its out-of-work members by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers attempts to unionize its unemployed workers.

The gist of the letter was to encourage the laid-off members to become jobs activist and to form a union the IAM has named “Ur Union of the Unemployed, nicknamed Ucubed”. By going to ( and signing up, you will be connected by zip code with six other people who are unemployed thus making a cube. That cube will organize into neighborhoods of nine cubes. “Power blocks that politicians cannot ignore, purchasing blocks merchants cannot avoid. UCube offers you a way to use your skills and talents to help others through hard times even as you help yourself.”

The letter states, “First and foremost, you’ll help each other get through these next few years. Each activist has a unique set of skills, Talents, and experiences that can be shared or bartered.” It goes on to say, “You can pressure the federal government to respond faster, more effectively to this job crisis.” By going to their website and linking to “Jobs Now” to urge Congress to act on issues such as, “The new jobs bill, expansion of unemployment compensation, extension of the COBRA subsidy, food stamp appropriations, tax relief-all are issues that demand immediate action.” They hope to add a barter/jobs site opening up soon.

The numbers of unemployed workers the International Association of Machinists reports are 15.7 million lost their jobs and another 16 million have given up or over 31 million are out of work in America today. These numbers are higher than the Whitehouse has reported in recent months.

For the past decade, American companies have outsourced work to Mexico and now Mexicans are losing their jobs to China. Anyone who owns a business will tell you the bottom line is money, they will go where they can get more for their dollars. We are living in a global economy. The working class does not need an expansion of government. America needs fewer taxes and less government regulations on companies operating in the US. The Obama administration must create a corporate friendly environment in our country so companies will thieve thus turning the US economy around.

Three of the top small aircraft manufacturing facilities are located in Wichita Kansas, Cessna, Hawker Beechcraft, and Lear Jet. The IAM reports the average union contract is less than eight percent of the company’s overall overhead. The union’s message to the Whitehouse should be promoting job growth thru tax breaks and incentives that would entice companies to move their manufacturing facilities to the US.

The IAM has good intensions trying to help the unemployed workers. On the other hand, the IAM does not need to use the jobless in America to form a new lobbyist group to expand the federal government and put our children further in debt.

There are over 10,000 laid-off workers in Wichita. The union’s effort to help them is a worthwhile cause. Knowing firsthand the pain and frustrations of being unemployed. I can say, “We do not need another government hand out, we need a hand-up”.

Bill Thresher: One of the 10,000 laid-off workers in Wichita Kansas

Monday, January 18, 2010

Union Leaderships Negotiates Health Care with Washington: Making Deals with the Devil!

Thursday January 14, 2010 reported union leaders negotiated a tax exemption for the membership on their health care plans. The article went on to say, “Call it what it is: a bribe to cronies in an increasingly corrupt overhaul. With Nebraska winning "free" coverage of its Medicare costs in the Senate version of the bill, and Louisiana getting a tax exemption of its own, what's one more bone to a favored political group on a bill Democrats are determined to pass no matter what?”

Richard Trumka President of The AFL-CIO in a speech Monday said; “This is a policy designed to benefit elites, like the ones that the executives at Goldman Sachs have, the $40,000 policies.” Well at least my Union Leadership knows how to play the class warfare card even better than Washington does.

The Union Leadership should know you can’t make a deal with the Devil. Back in January 2009, Washington came after my job by, demonizing corporate jets. I went to work every day and said, “The powers that be put another nail in the coffin”. Even the Union Leaders said, “We voted for Obama. Why is he killing our industry”? The private aircraft industry will not recover for years from the Obama administration playing the class warfare card.

When will the Union Leadership realize if you sleep with dogs, you are going to get fleas? Washington has never kept its word on anything. Why should they keep it with the Unions?

Bill Thresher: Union Member, Going out to buy a flea collar