Thursday, January 21, 2010

SEIU spends $900,000 on Coakley campaign

The Tea Party has won its first battle. In Massachusetts, Scott Brown beat out Martha Coakley for the U.S. Senate seat held by the late Edward M. Kennedy. Yahoo News reported that Senator Robert Menendez, the head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said, “I have no interest in sugarcoating what happened in Massachusetts. There is a lot of anxiety in the country right now. Americans are understandably impatient.” The Democrats are in disarray and running for cover. One point no one has made is the ineffectiveness of SEIU in affecting the outcome of the race.

On January 12, 2010, Michelle Malkin reported on the “$214,000 [that SEIU] sent her for radio ad buys last fall…. and [SEIU] is preparing to burn through another $685,000 in rank-and-file union members’ dues for the attorney general." That comes to $899,000 that SEIU’s leadership threw out the window.

Washington, do not depend on the union vote. You do not understand the mindset of the union members. The average union member only cares about his or her bottom line. The leadership has little or no influence over its members when it comes to politics. Massachusetts is a ‘Closed Shop State,’ meaning you have to be in the union to work in a union shop. (If you do not join, you do not work, period.) Most of the membership is far more conservative than their left wing leaders. The unions rank-and-file do not vote for the national union leaders. The members vote the district representatives in office. In turn, they vote the national union leaders into power.

The Tea Party has attracted a broad-spectrum of people from every occupation. Americans are truly waking up across our great country. I myself am a thirty-year union member.

The Massachusetts Senate race should be a wakeup call to the union leadership. The union’s revolution is on the horizon. The rank-and-file is beginning to wake up and see the egotistical arrogance of its own leadership. If the unions elitist at the top do not change, they will fall and the unions will become nonexistent America.

Bill Thresher: a union member that has awakened

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