Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Unionizing the unemployed worker in America

A recent letter sent to its out-of-work members by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers attempts to unionize its unemployed workers.

The gist of the letter was to encourage the laid-off members to become jobs activist and to form a union the IAM has named “Ur Union of the Unemployed, nicknamed Ucubed”. By going to (www.unionofunemployed.com) and signing up, you will be connected by zip code with six other people who are unemployed thus making a cube. That cube will organize into neighborhoods of nine cubes. “Power blocks that politicians cannot ignore, purchasing blocks merchants cannot avoid. UCube offers you a way to use your skills and talents to help others through hard times even as you help yourself.”

The letter states, “First and foremost, you’ll help each other get through these next few years. Each activist has a unique set of skills, Talents, and experiences that can be shared or bartered.” It goes on to say, “You can pressure the federal government to respond faster, more effectively to this job crisis.” By going to their website and linking to “Jobs Now” to urge Congress to act on issues such as, “The new jobs bill, expansion of unemployment compensation, extension of the COBRA subsidy, food stamp appropriations, tax relief-all are issues that demand immediate action.” They hope to add a barter/jobs site opening up soon.

The numbers of unemployed workers the International Association of Machinists reports are 15.7 million lost their jobs and another 16 million have given up or over 31 million are out of work in America today. These numbers are higher than the Whitehouse has reported in recent months.

For the past decade, American companies have outsourced work to Mexico and now Mexicans are losing their jobs to China. Anyone who owns a business will tell you the bottom line is money, they will go where they can get more for their dollars. We are living in a global economy. The working class does not need an expansion of government. America needs fewer taxes and less government regulations on companies operating in the US. The Obama administration must create a corporate friendly environment in our country so companies will thieve thus turning the US economy around.

Three of the top small aircraft manufacturing facilities are located in Wichita Kansas, Cessna, Hawker Beechcraft, and Lear Jet. The IAM reports the average union contract is less than eight percent of the company’s overall overhead. The union’s message to the Whitehouse should be promoting job growth thru tax breaks and incentives that would entice companies to move their manufacturing facilities to the US.

The IAM has good intensions trying to help the unemployed workers. On the other hand, the IAM does not need to use the jobless in America to form a new lobbyist group to expand the federal government and put our children further in debt.

There are over 10,000 laid-off workers in Wichita. The union’s effort to help them is a worthwhile cause. Knowing firsthand the pain and frustrations of being unemployed. I can say, “We do not need another government hand out, we need a hand-up”.

Bill Thresher: One of the 10,000 laid-off workers in Wichita Kansas

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