Friday, January 22, 2010

The unemployment rate rises, D’oh

January 21, 2010 Fox News reported, “The Labor Department said Thursday that initial claims for unemployment insurance rose by 36,000 to a seasonally adjusted 482,000. Wall Street economists had expected a small drop.” This left economic analyst that predicted the economy had hit bottom with a Homer Simpson moment D’oh.
@November 18, 2008 President Obama said at Global Climate Summit, “My presidency will mark a new chapter in America's leadership on climate change that will strengthen our security and create millions of new jobs in the process.”

On December 14, 2009 on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Christina Romer, “The president has always said, and what I firmly believe, is you’re not recovered until all those people that want to work are back to work”.
@President Obama in a press conference called for tougher regulations on the banks to combat economic collapse. Minutes after his announcement the Wall Street reacted with a 200 point drop in the market.

There are 31 million unemployed in America and being one myself, I can honestly say the economy shows little improvement over last year. None of the companies that I have been in contact with says things are getting better. The most frustrating thing for the unemployed is to watch the news and hear the economic analyst say, the economy is picking up. At least the experts have a comfortable job that aloes them to pull number out of thin air them report them.

My Way News reported, “China shook off the global crisis as growth surged to 10.7 percent in the final quarter of 2009 but inflation picked up, adding to pressure on Beijing to cool rising prices without disrupting the recovery.” Maybe this is where millions of green jobs are going that the Obama promised during the campaign.

The average worker in China makes 200 dollars a month. Washington must wake up. We are losing jobs overseas on a daily bases. The Obama administration must create a corporate friendly environment in our country so companies will thieve thus turning the US economy around. Washington must cut taxes immediately in order to stop the outsourcing of American jobs, if not the US will become a third world banana republic.

Bill Thresher; wondering if China is hiring

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