Saturday, January 9, 2010

An Open Letter to the Membership of SEIU in Massachusetts

I have been a member of the AFL-CIO for over 30 years. I am writing this in the hope that you do not have to suffer my fate. In the special election in Massachusetts to replace Ted Kennedy’s seat in the Senate why in the world is SEIU backing Martha Coakley? Your Leadership is selling you out.

Martha Coakley had a “read my lips” moment: During the campaign she promised not to support the Heath Care Bill, if it contained restriction on abortion then she backed down so not to anger the left-wing base. Now she supports the Heath Care Bill and that in its self would send me running for cover. If our government gets it passed and it becomes Law how long before Washington decides to tax our Heath Care Plans. Have you known of Washington to keep its word on anything? Not No, but Hell NO, somewhere down the road our elected officials will decide to tax us!

Have you read your own Blogs at Andy is going to screw you over big-time. On the SEIU Blog it reads; “On the other hand, a mass deportation would cost the U.S. a whopping $2.6 trillion in lost GDP over 10 years! It would also reduce wages for higher skilled native workers and only provide a slight increase in wages for a small group of less-skilled native-born workers. And the estimated $2.6 trillion loss in GDP doesn't include the more than $200 billion it is estimated to cost to deport 12 million undocumented immigrants.” The study came from UCLA in California and by Professor Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda. First off, they are illegal aliens. Companies hire illegal aliens because they work for a-lot-less than we would. With over fifteen million Americans out of work, do we add to the problem or do you put your Brothers and Sisters back to work.

Your leader Andy Stern has said; “What we’re working towards is building a global organization because workers of the world unite, it’s not just a slogan anymore”. How does Andy intend to put workers of the world on an even playing field? Hold on, I know. American wages have to go down while in other countries the wages go up, then everyone is equal. Is this what you want?

The Media and the People on Capitol Hill that were supposed to look out for the Unions demonized the evil corporate executives. Almost every corporation in America pulled their orders for private jets. When they did, hundreds of thousands of your Brothers and Sisters in the Machinist and UAW Union lost their jobs. Our so-called Leaders in Washington threw us under the bus.

I have been a Proud Union Member for over thirty years and I have never crossed a picket line. I have been on Unemployment for over nine months and when it runs out. I might have to work in a non-union shop and my wages will be cut in half. Whom do I blame? Washington for selling my Union out and if they did it to us what will stop them when your number comes up. Please don’t let Washington turn America into a third world banana republic.

Your Leadership will say I am lying and this is propaganda. It is not propaganda and I am not lying. I write for The New Patriot Journal and if you have any doubts Call District 70 Lodge and ask if I am a member in good standing.

Bill Thresher, Wichita Kansas; Machinists Union Member, District 70, LL 774

Friday, January 8, 2010

Did the Democrats sabotage the intelligence gathering capabilities of the CIA

It all started shortly after President Obama’s inauguration. The Democrats went after the Bush administration for everything from waterboarding to being guilty of war crimes.

Pelosi dropped the big one in May when she was quoted in a press conference; “In that or any other briefing ... we were not, and I repeat, were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation techniques were used," Pelosi said at a news conference in April. “What they did tell us is that they had some legislative counsel ... opinions that they could be used, but not that they would." With that statement, Pelosi tied the hands of the CIA.

In the Los Angeles Times on August 9, they reported that a criminal investigation was underway on CIA treatment of detainees. “A senior Justice Department official said that Holder envisioned an inquiry that would be narrow in scope, focusing on "whether people went beyond the techniques that were authorized" in Bush administration memos that liberally interpreted anti-torture laws”. Way-to-go U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr.

The next in line was our military. Maybe you remember Fallujah way back in 2004; four Blackwater security guards were murdered and hung off a bridge in broad-daylight. In November: three Navy Seals captured the mastermind of that brutal attack. In the process of his capture, the Seals roughed-up the suspect, just a bit. Now these heroes are facing criminal charges. What is wrong with this picture?

Does the CIA and the Police in our country have something in common? Since the suicide bomber killed eight people on the U.S. base in eastern Afghanistan, the CIA has launched an all-out Predator attack on Al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan. The CIA and the Police avenge their own.

Now on the News all the so-called experts are debating where the system failed while Washington vows to find the underlying cause of the failure. It is business as usual in America.

Hey Washington, not all Americans have Alzheimer’s or short-term memory loss, even though you do have the News Media in your back pocket or maybe they can’t see the forest for the trees. You have bullied, brow beat and threaten the intelligence community and the military to the point that they are like an old abused dog. When you yell at him, he will look for the club in your hand before he comes, even then he may not come at all.

Bill Thresher Wichita Kansas: and No I don’t have Alzheimer’s or short-term memory loss!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is the Democratic Party Imploding?

In a press conference Tuesday, on the failed terrorist attack on Delta flight 253, President Obama said; “This was a screw up that could have been disastrous”. For the first time in office, President Obama did not blame the Bush administration for his screw up. This is a new direction the Obama camp is taking, personal reasonability. Now Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan have announced they are retiring from the Senate. Could this mark the downfall of the Democratic Party?

When asked about transparency on health-care Pelosi said; “There has never been a more open process for any legislation”. According to the Rasmussen, fifty-eight percent of U.S. voters now say Congress is doing a poor job. That is the highest negative finding since Rasmussen has started polling in November 2006. Dodd and Dorgan are retiring from the Senate. Could the real reason be they have read the writing on the wall? How many more Democrats will take one for the team and fall on their swords?

According to the Rasmussen poll in the past year President Obama approval rating has dropped also and they are:
Presidential Approval Index----------+28-------------------- -10
Strongly Approve-----------------------44%-------------------29%
Strongly Disapprove-------------------16%--------------------39%
Total Approve---------------------------65%-------------------49%
Total Disapprove-----------------------30%--------------------51%

New Rasmussen poll finds that Republicans bet out Democrat’s 48% to 36% on the issues of fixing the economy. Is the Democratic Party imploding? We will find out election night 2010.

Bill Thresher: Wichita, Kansas: Witnessing the downfall of the Democratic Party in 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010


Washington; pull your head out of the sand, before this great nation becomes a third world banana republic. I have realized that Washington is in a parallel universe where you leave all reason and intelligent thoughts behind. You are not in The Twilight Zone. Our leaders should run the government like a business so let’s go back to school.

BUSINESS 101: Your main concerns should be to turn a profit, encourage growth, make the stockholders happy, and protect the company from corporate raiders and hostile takeovers. Instead our county/company has an unemployment rate of 10%, the national debt is $12 trillion, the taxpayers are not happy and the terrorists are trying to destroy the USA and our way of life.

How do you encourage growth? Quit taxing our companies, they are moving overseas. Cut their taxes, give incentives, and make America the cheapest place in the world to produce their products. When they come back home the 10% unemployment rate will magically disappear. The US has the best workforce in the world. Any leader with business sense knows the bottom line is money; it is why our country has survived and prospered for over 200 years. My parents told me when I was growing up work hard and the sky is the limit, you can do whatever you set your sights on.

How do you make the stockholders happy? Quit spending money and cut taxes. Do not spend more then you make. A joke I always tell people; “I used to make $20,000 a day but then the government took my printing press”. If you keep printing money, the Dollar will not be worth the paper it is printed on. Washington: do we need to take your printing press away from you? Remember who gave you the power you enjoy so much. The voters put you in office and we can vote you out.

How do you protect the company from corporate raiders and hostile takeovers? Let’s take a lesson from history. In the late seventies, no self-respecting Hijacker in His right mind would take an Israeli hostage. Why, because if the Hijacker took an Israeli hostage: they would hunt him down then kill him, his family, and his pets, then burn his village to the ground. The Hijackers learned do not mess with Israel. The price was too high. This brings up the question; as the most powerful nation in the world, do we want to be feared or respected? I say; I want to be feared by my enemies and respected by my allies.

When the terrorist attacked New York on 9/11 we became one nation, one voice, we set aside our differences, and that sleeping giant awoke. We went to war, avenging the 6000, Americans that died that day and to defend our freedoms we cherish. We sent a message to the world; DO NOT MESS WITH THE USA! I have been fortunate in my working life to travel overseas. As Americans, we enjoy more freedoms and have the best standard of living in the world. Washington, do not blow it, we are awake and watching you.

Bill Thresher Wichita, Kansas

Sunday, January 3, 2010

How long can Liberals ride a dead horse?

For the past year, the Liberals in this country have been playing (The Bush Did-It Card) and it is starting to get old. Ask a Liberal about the deficits, the war on terrorism, unemployment, global warming, 911, and why the Cowboys did not win the Super Bowl for the past ten years? The answer is; Bush started it, Bush did-it and it is all Bush’s fault!

President Obama is the most proficient dead horse rider I have seen in years. From day one in office, he has been blaming the Bush administration for this or that and any problem that arose. Any criticism of the Obama regime, the pat-answer is always Bush did-it or we inherited it from the previous administration. I will bet you I can find it on the internet within ten minutes.

The panty bomber on Delta flight 253 was trained in Yemen by Al-Qaeda. There are a hundred Yemeni detainees in Gitmo and the Obama administration wants to release them back to their country for retaining and reeducation. When criticized by the media, the reply is; the Bush camp released two detainees to Yemeni and now they are head of Al-Qaeda. Yes, that is true; Bush sent two detainees back to Yemeni and now Obama wants to send a hundred back. What is wrong with this picture?

I myself, being an expert at riding dead horses, have realized that after three or four days in the sun, the horse will blot. Then you can drag it to the nearest body of water and it will float for a long, long, long time.

The Obama administration has been riding the dead horse for a year but come spring the carcass will thaw-out and stink to high heaven. As the old saying goes, if you ride a dead horse you will smell like a dead horse.

President Obama, as a fellow dead horse equestrian myself I beseech you, get off of the dead horse, it is beneath your station as Leader of The Free World to continue to ride that dead horse any longer.

Bill Thresher: Founding member and President of The Wichita Dead Horse-Equestrian Society

The Tea Party Nation: the numbers are in, over four million strong and growing.

January of 2009, the first Tea Party rallies began the number count was only 568 nationwide. Our numbers have grown expeditiously throughout the past eleven months. So far, this year over four million have attended the rallies throughout the US and the numbers are still growing. By the election in November 2010, we will be unstoppable.

The attendance numbers for the past eleven months are as follows:

January - 568

February - 18,578

March - 59,655

April - 1,349,921
on April 15, the attendance numbers were 1,207,251

May - 11,181

June - 110,962

July - 557,945
on July 1 to the 4, the attendance numbers were 448,451

August - 411,888

September - 1,822,038
on September 11, the attendance numbers were 1,822,038

October - 128,766

November - 143,816

Overall attendance for the year was 4,146,311.

Now I ask you the question, are we, or are we not, a force to be reckoned with? What are the liberals going to say about this one? I think we know.

To our so-called representatives in Washington: The Tea Party in growing faster than, the plague of Locus that swarmed Egypt in the Bible. Your party on Capitol Hill is over! Americans across this great country have awakened, and went to the open window and yelled with one resounding voice. “WE’RE MAD AS HELL AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE”. Our train is coming and if you are not on board, than you’re on the tracks. Remember when you go back to work in January, this will be the last year that you serve as our elected officials. Don’t let the door hit you in the rear, on your way out of Washington. Need I say more?

I would like to thank Frank Ross for the time he put in researching and compiling the data on the attendance of The Tea Party rallies. Frank has spent the last 9 months locating organizers for each, and every Tea Party that he could find. One by one, he emailed and called each one of them to get firsthand accounts of the attendee at the rallies. As of now, Frank still has over 2000 events that he has not been able to get actual numbers on. The four million count is actually much lower than it should be. If Frank Ross has not contacted your organization on your Tea Party rally, please contact us at and we will put you in contact with him so he can get your information. Without Franks diligent work, this article would not have possible, Hats off to Frank.

Bill Thresher Wichita, Kansas: One of the millions of Locus headed for Washington!

NOTE: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”. Quite from the 1976 movie Network