Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is the Democratic Party Imploding?

In a press conference Tuesday, on the failed terrorist attack on Delta flight 253, President Obama said; “This was a screw up that could have been disastrous”. For the first time in office, President Obama did not blame the Bush administration for his screw up. This is a new direction the Obama camp is taking, personal reasonability. Now Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan have announced they are retiring from the Senate. Could this mark the downfall of the Democratic Party?

When asked about transparency on health-care Pelosi said; “There has never been a more open process for any legislation”. According to the Rasmussen, fifty-eight percent of U.S. voters now say Congress is doing a poor job. That is the highest negative finding since Rasmussen has started polling in November 2006. Dodd and Dorgan are retiring from the Senate. Could the real reason be they have read the writing on the wall? How many more Democrats will take one for the team and fall on their swords?

According to the Rasmussen poll in the past year President Obama approval rating has dropped also and they are:
Presidential Approval Index----------+28-------------------- -10
Strongly Approve-----------------------44%-------------------29%
Strongly Disapprove-------------------16%--------------------39%
Total Approve---------------------------65%-------------------49%
Total Disapprove-----------------------30%--------------------51%

New Rasmussen poll finds that Republicans bet out Democrat’s 48% to 36% on the issues of fixing the economy. Is the Democratic Party imploding? We will find out election night 2010.

Bill Thresher: Wichita, Kansas: Witnessing the downfall of the Democratic Party in 2010

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