Monday, January 4, 2010


Washington; pull your head out of the sand, before this great nation becomes a third world banana republic. I have realized that Washington is in a parallel universe where you leave all reason and intelligent thoughts behind. You are not in The Twilight Zone. Our leaders should run the government like a business so let’s go back to school.

BUSINESS 101: Your main concerns should be to turn a profit, encourage growth, make the stockholders happy, and protect the company from corporate raiders and hostile takeovers. Instead our county/company has an unemployment rate of 10%, the national debt is $12 trillion, the taxpayers are not happy and the terrorists are trying to destroy the USA and our way of life.

How do you encourage growth? Quit taxing our companies, they are moving overseas. Cut their taxes, give incentives, and make America the cheapest place in the world to produce their products. When they come back home the 10% unemployment rate will magically disappear. The US has the best workforce in the world. Any leader with business sense knows the bottom line is money; it is why our country has survived and prospered for over 200 years. My parents told me when I was growing up work hard and the sky is the limit, you can do whatever you set your sights on.

How do you make the stockholders happy? Quit spending money and cut taxes. Do not spend more then you make. A joke I always tell people; “I used to make $20,000 a day but then the government took my printing press”. If you keep printing money, the Dollar will not be worth the paper it is printed on. Washington: do we need to take your printing press away from you? Remember who gave you the power you enjoy so much. The voters put you in office and we can vote you out.

How do you protect the company from corporate raiders and hostile takeovers? Let’s take a lesson from history. In the late seventies, no self-respecting Hijacker in His right mind would take an Israeli hostage. Why, because if the Hijacker took an Israeli hostage: they would hunt him down then kill him, his family, and his pets, then burn his village to the ground. The Hijackers learned do not mess with Israel. The price was too high. This brings up the question; as the most powerful nation in the world, do we want to be feared or respected? I say; I want to be feared by my enemies and respected by my allies.

When the terrorist attacked New York on 9/11 we became one nation, one voice, we set aside our differences, and that sleeping giant awoke. We went to war, avenging the 6000, Americans that died that day and to defend our freedoms we cherish. We sent a message to the world; DO NOT MESS WITH THE USA! I have been fortunate in my working life to travel overseas. As Americans, we enjoy more freedoms and have the best standard of living in the world. Washington, do not blow it, we are awake and watching you.

Bill Thresher Wichita, Kansas

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