Sunday, January 3, 2010

How long can Liberals ride a dead horse?

For the past year, the Liberals in this country have been playing (The Bush Did-It Card) and it is starting to get old. Ask a Liberal about the deficits, the war on terrorism, unemployment, global warming, 911, and why the Cowboys did not win the Super Bowl for the past ten years? The answer is; Bush started it, Bush did-it and it is all Bush’s fault!

President Obama is the most proficient dead horse rider I have seen in years. From day one in office, he has been blaming the Bush administration for this or that and any problem that arose. Any criticism of the Obama regime, the pat-answer is always Bush did-it or we inherited it from the previous administration. I will bet you I can find it on the internet within ten minutes.

The panty bomber on Delta flight 253 was trained in Yemen by Al-Qaeda. There are a hundred Yemeni detainees in Gitmo and the Obama administration wants to release them back to their country for retaining and reeducation. When criticized by the media, the reply is; the Bush camp released two detainees to Yemeni and now they are head of Al-Qaeda. Yes, that is true; Bush sent two detainees back to Yemeni and now Obama wants to send a hundred back. What is wrong with this picture?

I myself, being an expert at riding dead horses, have realized that after three or four days in the sun, the horse will blot. Then you can drag it to the nearest body of water and it will float for a long, long, long time.

The Obama administration has been riding the dead horse for a year but come spring the carcass will thaw-out and stink to high heaven. As the old saying goes, if you ride a dead horse you will smell like a dead horse.

President Obama, as a fellow dead horse equestrian myself I beseech you, get off of the dead horse, it is beneath your station as Leader of The Free World to continue to ride that dead horse any longer.

Bill Thresher: Founding member and President of The Wichita Dead Horse-Equestrian Society

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