Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Recession is over so where are the jobs

The Whitehouse estimates 7.8 million workers are unemployed but some estimates go as high as 25 million Americans are out of work. When President Obama took office the job loss was 700,000 a month and in December, we only lost 11,000 jobs. Washington is not gaining jobs; they are just slowing the bleeding.

September 4, 2009 The New York Times referred to a “Jobless Recovery” the article stated; “Many experts envision a jobless recovery, in which the economy grows but job losses persist”. It went on to say, “Such an outcome would confront the Obama administration with a potentially nettlesome political problem heading into next year’s midterm elections. After the government unleashed $787 billion to stimulate economic growth, and after it bailed out financial institutions and the auto industry, the unemployment rate exceeds worst-case projections envisioned by the administration early this year”.

December 13, 2009 on ABC’s “This Week” President Obama’s director of the National Economic Council, Lawrence Summers, said; “Today, everybody agrees that the recession is over, and the question is what the pace of the expansion is going to be”. On December 14, 2009 on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Christina Romer, “The president has always said, and what I firmly believe, is you’re not recovered until all those people that want to work are back to work”.

January 11, 2010 the Pro Publica reported that the Whitehouse was scrambling to meet deadline for this month, the new guidelines could change what the public sees. For example when Chrysler received a 53 million dollar contract last fall, it listed zero jobs created. Under the new rules, the workers are counted as saved or created jobs. The Associated Press uncovered that the administration is using pay raises as stimulus jobs. The California state auditor ripped the state corrections department for reporting 18,000 jobs instead of just 5,000 officers who had received layoff notices. All these numbers are permitted under the new federal guidelines.

Now for our so-called Leaders on Capitol Hill, you are not there to cook the books and then try to convince us everything is hunky-dory. There is an old saying that goes don’t spit on me and tell me it is raining. I’ll let you in on a little joke the unemployed workers across the country have. We do not call it unemployment benefits; we refer to it as the “Obama Gravy Train”. I am one of the7.8 million people in our nation looking for work. When you cut off my money and it looks like I will lose everything because of your incompetence and reckless spending. I will be one of the 7.8 million that heads for Washington with pitchforks to run you out of office.

Bill Thresher Wichita Kansas, Riding the Obama Gravy Train

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