Friday, January 15, 2010

The Unions involvement in the Massachusetts Senate race: paying the protestors

January 15, 2010 headline was “Video: Dems paying union workers to hold signs for Coakley?” The blogger went on to say; “The question mark’s there in an abundance of caution because there’s always a chance with short clips that some key context has been bowdlerized, but it’s hard to see how this one isn’t exactly what it looks like. Bonus points here for the fact that our hero admits he’s actually voting for Brown. If only he were SEIU, this would have been pure, 24-karat gold.”

In the video the Union members where wearing yellow shirts saying sheet metal workers for Martha. One of the supporters said; “If they want their fifty bucks they have to do what they are told.” Then one of the union members said; “I’m voting for Brown”. Most people who have never worked in a union shop would find this video shocking. I have been a Union member all my working life and for me that is business as usual.

In most if not all union contracts there is the union business clause that states if a member is on union business that person will be excused from work for said amount of time that is lost. It is without pay but the member turns a lost-pay card to the union and they pay you for your time. That is how the Union gets busloads of people at the rallies. In other words, hold a sign get check. It is a get out of work free card.

The Unions learned a long time ago if the News Media sees two hundred people at a rally, they must all be supporters, not so with union members. The membership have a running joke: I found part time work at the medical research facility. PETA would not let them use lab rats anymore but they have found out they like experimenting on union workers better because there are some things rats will not do.

Bill Thresher: Wichita, Kansas: Union Member
Pay me enough and I will go to an Obama rally. Probably not, but I would think-about-it

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