Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Terrorists for Christmas: the real story

The FAA administrators are at a three-week party in Atlanta meanwhile on Delta flight 253 from Amsterdam bound for Detroit a heroic passenger steps in and foils a terrorist plot. Jasper Schuringa a Dutch film director subdued the terrorist Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab. The Plane landed safely in Detroit. The next day our leaders in Washington vowed to get answers on the breach of airline security. President Obama on Christmas vacation in Hawaii goes to the gym and plays a round of golf that afternoon. This could be an episode of 24 except no one could have made this one up.

The Christmas of 2009 will mark the end of the honeymoon between the mainstream media and the Obama administration. It happened when ABC was tipped off by whistleblowers on a five million dollar three-week-long conference slash Christmas party the FAA held in Atlanta for 3,600 managers. The ABC undercover reporters got some memorable quotes from the FAA managers; “we’re about to head out to dance on tables.” He went on to say he was almost arrested last time he was at the FAA conference for being drunk and dancing on tables. A female ABC undercover reporter was ask if she was a Hooker, he said; “I was ready to reach for my wallet” and my personal favorite “It Beats Being at Work”. Good work ABC.

The Federal Government seems to think we are not watching them. It is business as usual in Washington, five million dollars for 3,600 managers. That comes to $1388.88 per person, paid for with taxpayer’s money. The Obama administration almost succeeded in killing off the corporate convention industry in this county. Is this the socialistic approach to economic recovery?

This should be a wakeup call to all the liberals in America. The world does not love us, now that our President has made his apology tour. The terrorist’s still want to destroy the evil USA. The terrorist; Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab flight originated in Nigeria. How was he able to get past airport security? Having flown overseas, once you pass thru, the first and only security checkpoint, you are good to go. Security is only as good, as the weakest link.

Now for our leaders in Washington: you dropped the ball; government agencies need good communication skills. They do not have them. Maybe you should send them back to school. NO, you would not do that. That would make too much since, you’ll just make a new Czar for the White House. Just what we need another Czar. Then we can live happily ever after.

Meanwhile President Obama is on Christmas vacation in Hawaii, while fifteen million Americans are unemployed. In his defense remember; he was a community organizer before he ran for office. He appoints experts to run the day-to-day affairs on Capitol Hill. When something goes wrong, he throws an expert under the bus.

At the Fort Hood press conference, President Obama stuck his foot in his mouth. Maybe that is why he waited until Monday to do the press conference on the terrorist attack. He did not want to repeat that mistake again. Our President will not take personal reasonability for his administration. President Truman had a sign on his desk that said; “The Buck Stops here”. President Obama’s sign should read “The Buck Stops over there”.

That is the story of “Terrorists for Christmas”. It has it all: a hero, a villain, an out-of-touch President and leaders in Washington who dropped the ball. Now all I need is a Hollywood producer to pitch my script too.

Bill Thresher Wichita, Kansas; A want-a-be Hollywood writer

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