Sunday, December 27, 2009


I am not writing this as part of any group, but as an American. I have to ask you a question. Please do not take it lightly and think about it before you answer. How important are your freedoms to you? Before you, answer let me tell you why they are so important to me.

I have been very blessed in my working life to travel overseas. In 1996, I worked for a company that built and assembled aircraft simulators. They sent me to England and China while employed with them. I was excited when I was selected, as one of the assembly team members to go to China. It was not the first time my company had dealings with China Eastern Air. When I was in China I met Gin and I realized how blessed I was to live in this great county.

Gin was friendly and helpful he would go out of his way to get us anything we needed. The day before we were due to leave, I asked if he was going to see us off at the airport. His boss said no he had lost his travel permit. I found out that night at the hotel the last time my company was there he came to the airport to say goodbye. He forgot to get permission from Big Bother. He lost his travel permit for a year, in other words the Chinese Government put him under house arrest for a year.

In China, your wages depend on how high you are in the communist regime. It cost you a year’s wages to buy a dog and a month’s wages to tag him. If you see a person with a dog, he is rich, if you see a person with two dogs he is very rich and that is how it is in China. Why so much money, just to have a dog? When the Communist party comes to your door to get you because you have not been a good citizen, they do not want the dog telling them they cannot take you. You do not even go to the bathroom without their permission. Remember; Tiananmen Square. Let us go back to the birth of the United States of America.

History 101: The King of England kept his power with help from The Catholic Church. The church said; God ordained that the king rule. The king in turn decreed The Catholic Church was the only religion sanctioned by the king. At that point, in our history England had a problem with overcrowding in the prison system so they solved it by offloading the prisoners to Australia. His subjects that were fortunate not to come under the king’s scrutiny jumped on the first ship to the new world. The king knowing there was money to be made, decided to put a tax on everything they received from England; Taxation without representation. The colonists grow tired of the relationship thus the birth of the US began.

Our forefathers when writing The Declaration of Independence put the most resounding revolutionary statement in that document the world has known “WE THE PEOPLE” (not your government knows best). The Declaration of Independence has been reproduced around the world. It has never been stated as well as, “WE THE PEOPLE”. It goes on to say, “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.

In “The Bill of Rights”, the first amendment is the right to bear arms. The second and most important freedom is speech. When our government takes free speech away from us, we have lost as a people. Our government is not calling it censorship but calling it fairness, regulation of the Internet. When you lose your freedom of speech, our great county ceases to exist. I fear that by the time of my death I will not recognize the freedom-loving county where I grow up.

Every group in America has the right to speak out regardless, be it a Republican, Democrat, Communist, Libertarian, Fascist, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Gay, Straight, Truthers, Bearthers, or any other group I did not name. We the people have the right to speak out and worship the way we desire.

Our government just over the weekend raised their credit limit by more than a trillion dollars. They are engaging in class warfare, redistribution of wealth, fundamentally changing America, as we know it. When it goes global, they will come and take what you have. The government caused the meltdown by easing up on financial restrictions on housing. Where is the OUTRAGE of the people?

Even our representatives in Washington are becoming irrelevant. The EPA came out last week with a new list of green house gases, one being carbon dioxide. That is what humans exhale and plants need to thieve, without it life, as we know it cannot exist on our planet, legislation without representation.

When are you as a person going to tell Washington enough is enough STOP! Our government is out of control. We are losing our freedoms one by one. Now I ask the question again. How important are your freedoms to you?

Bill Thresher, an American

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