Monday, January 25, 2010

Democrats New Plan

In the wake of the Massachusetts, election Washington is in a tailspin. Every liberal on Capitol Hill is backpedaling. The elitist are running around like a chicken with its head cut off. The Progressives are in a panic running for their political lives. The Democrats have not formulated a new plan yet but they are working overtime on one.

The New Republic article: “Dear Nervous & Frustrated House Democrat...” it said, You’re depressed: Brown inherits the seat that once belonged to Ted Kennedy, who had made health care reform a lifelong crusade. You’re angry, either for taking politically difficult votes or compromising your ideals in order to move the process along. Let’s face it, you’re scared. If a Democrat can lose in Massachusetts, any Democrat can lose anywhere. That includes you. The temptation will be to drop health care, change the subject, and hope for the best.”

Politics and Poppycock reported that, “Bill Moyers was quoted. How is it that the people who are responsible for the mess that Obama inherited are getting away with demonizing him when he’s only had less than a year to clean it up. Let me show you just a sample of commentators railing against the President. RUSH LIMBAUGH: President Obama and the Democrats are destroying the US economy. They are purposefully doing it, I believe.”

The Democratic Strategist gave its advice, “The president must also decide how to proceed with health care legislation. Here I find myself in a paradoxical position. In this publication and elsewhere, I have argued since October of 2008 against beginning the new administration with an ambitious agenda that included comprehensive health reform. Nonetheless, I believe that the president and congressional Democrats would be ill advised to shelve the effort at this point.”

CNN News reported, “In Ohio, President Obama said, “folks in Washington are in a little bit of a frenzy over Republican Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts.”

Arianna Huffington throw in her two cents, “What we need is Hope 2.0. If the votes aren't there, the people need to create them.” My favorite union elitist Andy Stern President of SEIU said, “Why should anyone believe that knocking on doors, making calls, or donating another dollar changes anything if with 60 votes they cannot deliver real reforms?"

Broward Politics reported that U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is planning to switch parties. She issued a statement saying, “I am a lifelong Democrat, as was my father and grandfather. I am leaving the Democratic Party because my Democratic party has left me. I will soon be a member of the Republican Party.”

As of this weekend, the Tea Party is celebrating. The liberal Media is consoling depressed Democrats and defining President Obama. Arianna Huffington wrote, “We need Hope 2.0. If the votes aren't there, the people need to create them.” President Obama says Massachusetts, is no big deal. Andy Stern is asking why we helped the Democrat’s in the first place. The stunner for the week is Robert Gibbs was on “Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace” and the Obama White House says Fox is not a ligament news network.

Seventy-seven percent of U.S. Investors, view President Obama as having an Anti-Business administration. The White House has been complaining about negative press for the past year. Maybe they should have a Media subsidy, pay us not to criticize the Obama administration, since they like to throw taxpayers money away anyway. The plan would require each journalist to sign a nonaggression treaty and then swear allegiants to the White House. Would I do it? Yes, being the capitalist I am. Then I would take the money and move to Massachusetts, change my name to Beck Limbaugh and start writing again. Why do Democrats always accuse conservatives’ of not having a plan?

Bill Thresher: Wichita Kansas,
Soon to be: Beck Limbaugh: Salem, Massachusetts

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